I have rogers digital cable (with the cable box) and I would like to record the TV to my laptop. I have an S-Video cable and an audio cable that goes into the cable box with the red and white plugs and plugs into my laptop's microphone slot. I figured that that was all I needed to do but apparently I need to do more (I pressed record and nothing happened). I tried to just press record but nothing seemed to happen.
I went to windows media center (Im running Windows Vista Home Premium) and it said I didn't have a TV-tuner. I did a bit of research and it said that if I had a cable box that it acted as a tuner and that it would record without a problem... although im having problems haha.
Can anyone please explain to me how to record my Rogers Digital Cable (not HD) to my laptop. Preferably without a TV-Tuner if its possible.
Also, since im no compouter whiz, or good with my cable settings, it would be great if the replies could be as detailed as possible.
Thanks in advance!How do I record TV to my laptop?
nope only way is to buy a usb tv tuner and what they ment to say if you dont have a digital rdy tv that the box acts like one it converts digital signal to analog singal but not to your comp
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